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Culture & Innovation

Our commitment to eco-responsibility is now!

Last update: 3 August 2023
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
Categories: Culture & Innovation, Écoresponsabilité

“Revolutionizing packaging is the price we have to pay to remain competitive and respectful of the planet. But it’s no longer just a question of profitability. We want to encourage the adoption of improved processes to gradually improve our world.”

Unless you’ve spent the last ten years living in a self-sufficient cabin in the woods – which would be very ecoresponsible! – no one can ignore the concept of ecoresponsibility. The environment has always been one of CARTIER’s priorities, but this year we’re going to make a concrete contribution to building the path towards a more conscious way of working.

Claiming we’re ecoresponsible is all well and good, but what does it actually mean? An evolution in our daily business initiated by our management team and materialized and put into action with the existence of our Green Action Committee! Made up of dedicated and enthusiastic employees, it is the internal benchmark for eco-responsibility. Several other strings have been added to our responsible bow, and have already borne fruit, between 2019 and 2021, we have reduced our GHGs by 11%! And there’s only one step from reduction to revolution!

Yes, you read that right: CARTIER wants to revolutionize packaging towards a sustainable world! But there’s no magic formula. As David Cartier, our President, puts it so well:

“Revolutionizing packaging is the price we have to pay to remain competitive and respectful of the planet. But it’s no longer just a question of profitability. We want to encourage the adoption of improved processes to gradually improve our world.”

So we need to innovate together, with our partners, suppliers, customers and even competitors. Introducing new avenues, destabilizing practices, and setting the benchmark for new standards – that’s what motivates us!

Our commitment? A 15% reduction in our GHGs by 2023, and then an additional 5% for the following years!

You think that’s unrealistic? We think it’s just the beginning, because we’re ready to give ourselves the means to achieve our ambitions, in five objectives!



Since January 15th, 2023, the company is officially carbon neutral! Based on our emissions balance sheet, the Planetair organization allows us to compensate intelligently by investing in three carbon offset portfolios. It’s not perfect yet, so we’re continuing to work hard not only to offset, but to reduce our emissions at source!






Renewable natural gas (RNG), from 100% renewable sources, represents 50% of the total natural gas supply for our premises. It replaces fossil fuels and avoids the methane emissions associated with landfilling waste.

Despite costing 34% more than a non-renewable natural gas energy bill, we have decided to go forward with this ecological option. Beyond our economic considerations, we now think of human investment, which is definitely more rewarding!








In 2021, our partnership with Éco Entreprises Québec allowed us to identify 15 ecoresponsibility criteria for classifying our products. In fact, 58% of our online products meet at least one of these criteria, and can therefore be qualified as ecoresponsible! This approach has enabled our customers to make informed choices, to understand why some of our products are more ecoresponsible than others, and to educate them about widespread misinformation







Our laboratory’s mission? Correct situations of under-packaging and over-packaging to guarantee parcel protection and reduce waste, offer solutions adapted to our customers’ needs and constraints, and thus reduce their environmental footprint. As of this year, we have been able to provide our customers with a carbon footprint report, so that they can actually see the reduction in GHG emissions.

In fact, we are now one of the eco-design experts of the Ecoleader Fund’s ! Good news for our customers, who may be eligible for subsidies for their projects, under certain conditions!






CARTIER is proud to observe that more and more of its employees are getting involved with organizations that have a real positive impact on the environment and society!

At the rate of one day per year, fully paid and on a voluntary basis, nearly 600 hours could be dedicated to the fight against climate change. It’s amazing what we can do together in just one day, isn’t it?






We consider it our duty to be transparent in each of our steps, and this is made possible by the invaluable support of some of our suppliers and partners, who share our vision of packaging! By knowing the exact origin of our purchases, we can move forward with complete confidence. Of course, we must also acknowledge the openness and willingness of our customers, without whom this new position would not be possible. By deciding to optimize their packaging, choose more ecoresponsible products, and consolidate their orders, they are proving that every little gesture counts… so imagine if they are big gestures!



We are perfectly aware that currently available packaging solutions are a source of waste, which makes this path towards ecoresponsibility still long, but not inaccessible. Surrounded by the right people, we can do great things. The proof: we’ve already done some great things!

Whether you’re intrigued by our services, interested in working with us, or would like to follow in our footsteps, contact us: we’re sure to have a lot to talk about! For more details on our environmental actions, visit our web page by clicking here!



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