Make your packaging even more reliable with rugged strapping
Our selection of strapping products, plastic strapping, steel strapping and strapping machines fulfils a variety of uses.
Choose the best strapping for you based on the strapping system used, your product weight and dimensions and the intended transport mode as well as any applicable government or industry standards.
Many of our strapping products are approved by the Association of American Railroads (AAR).
Our product specialists analyze your needs and help you choose strapping with the characteristics you require.
Polyester (PET) strapping & buckles
This strapping is industrial-rated and just as rugged as steel strapping.
Polypropylene (PP) strapping & buckles
This all-purpose strapping is perfect for irregularly shaped packages and can be heat-sealed.
Steel strapping & buckles
This strapping is the strongest on the market. Rounded edges on many products offer enhanced safety.
Many options available: rounded edges for safe use plus a range of finishes and tensile levels.
Cord strapping & buckles
This highly resistant strapping is generally used in the construction industry or for products exposed to the outdoors.
Woven for high shock absorption and outdoor use or non-woven for indoor use.
On Our Radar
Categories: Products
Packaging strapping: Consider switching to polyester!
Vous demandez-vous s’il est temps de passer aux courroies en polyester ? Dans la plupart des cas, ces dernières peuvent parfaitement remplacer les courroies en acier. Pour vous aider à prendre une décision éclairée, nous vous présentons quatre excellentes raisons d’opter pour les courroies de polyester.
Categories: Products
Worried about the widespread of price increases?
For the past few years, price increases have been in the air: building materials, the real estate market and, more recently, stocks. The packaging industry has not been spared, also suffering significant increases since the start of the pandemic. To understand these phenomenas, familiarize yourself with the impacts of the economic environment and product design.
Categories: E-commerce, Equipment, Laboratory
News worthy of “Groundhog Day”?
Who doesn’t feel a little like they’re reliving the same day as in the 1993 movie, with rising prices and supply delays still continuing into 2022? The bright side of this news that seems to be ongoing is that we know what to expect! Discover our overview of the issues that could affect your industry and their concrete solutions.